Your Theme

You must have this page (admin:themes) on your wiki for this theme to work,
By editing the code-box below, you will be able to tweak the default settings of the theme. Also, there is instructions on how to easily compensate for a different sized logo (please see here first).

@import url(;
/********* Change these values depending on the size of your logo (DELETE THIS LINE).
#header h1 a,#header h1 a:hover{
background-image: url(/local--files/start/logo.png);
height:100px; /**** Height of your logo in pixels ****/
width:130px; /**** Width of your logo in pixels ****/
   margin-top: 80px; /**** Height of your logo in pixels minus about 20 ****/
   width:130px; /**** Width of your logo in pixels ****/
   margin-left:137px; /**** Width of your logo in pixels plus 7 ****/
/**** May need to be increased past 145 pixels if your logo is more than
/**** 145 pixels wide but be careful of visitors that use smaller screens (experiment) ****/
(DELETE THIS LINE) *********/